Hi, all!
Thanks for stopping by. I’ve nearly completed the updates to this site. There are still a few things to fix, most notably the feature pictures on the blog posts and sort them into categories.
I just imported them all from my old blogger blog and it’s nice they all made it over here safely. Now everything is in one place.
I have some plans for this site. I hope now it’s much easier for me to add updates and develop it.
One thing on my mind is adding different sorts of embroidery classes. My goal is to help you develop your skills and get more enjoyment out of your needlework time. It’s certainly brought me a great deal of joy, and I hope to pass that on.
Over the years since I started this website project, I’ve made learned a lot and made many changes in myself. I’ve have always chosen what is important to me and pursued it with passion and determination. I definitely have done that with embroidery as I hope you can see on this site.
Over the years, I have expanded my interests. I write, paint, draw, and a bunch of other things on a smaller scale. The connecting thread through it all is creativity. It’s one of my highest values.
The other connecting thread is a deep need to connect with my inner self. To expand who I am and grow and give back. I’ve taken steps lately to be in a better position to do this. I’ve gone through the Robbins-Madanes training program to become a coach as well. It’s been transforming to say the least. My greatest hope is to help others find their own inner self whether through writing, handwork, deep inner exploration or any other sort of creative expression.
I’m excited for this new chapter I have begun and looking forward to all that it will bring.
I hope you will join me in bringing love, laughter and joy into our hearts and spreading it to others.