It’s been a long time, but I’m returning to this blog after a loong pause. I’ve been busy learning lots of new things that I hope to bring with me to stitching and my other creative endeavors. I am keeping another blog, Dusty Sidewalks, for my painting-related work which I’ve done quite a bit of the last few years.
The store has undergone a face lift which isn’t quite complete to make it prettier
and easier to navigate.

These changes are just the beginning and I will be back with more news soon! It’s exciting to be back working on all this again.
I’m reposting the old stitch school classes or most of them, and there are plans for new lessons soon! I have a few more things to get going with before I can get to them though!
Thanks to everyone that has visited this blog and my site! I hope this year will be a great one for all of you!