Bee Purse

Finally, here is my bee purse!

And the beehive side:

It’s a little work to sew these frames on, but it isn’t hard.

This is part of my effort over the past year or so to take the embroidery “off the wall”.  Or perhaps in my case, out of the box. I have 3 boxes now. It’s starting to feel a little silly with the boxes, but I have made a lot of projects that need protecting. That’s all fine, but what I have done here, is taken an embroidery and made it something you can interact with, and that’s the key. A little purse is just one possibility, there are many more. I will keep looking for other objects that I find interesting to construct.

Time flies, it’s hard to believe May is here. May is a busy time for the yard, but there is always time for more projects! And I’m writing it down, since I have already committed to it in my mind, but I have decided to run another summer stitch school. I’m not sure if it will be like the previous one or a little different. I have a few weeks to decide, but as I said, the commitment has been made!!

8 thoughts on “Bee Purse”

  1. I love this!! I have a friend who loves bees and she would lvoe this, as well. I might have to make her something similar for carrying her camera around 🙂 I used the turkey knot after seeing it on your site a long time ago and made a squirrel – it's such a fun little stitch and I like how you've used it here!

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